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LATEST NEWS:  July 2020  Covid-19


We had our first music session this week with stringent health rules.  We also held the session outside to lesson the risks.  Below are the rules if you are wishing to join us next time.  By the way, it was a LOAD OF FUN.  How quickly we forget how good it is to sing and play music as a group.




  • YOU HAVE ANY UPPER RESPIRATORY SYMPTOMS such as cough, cold, fever, runny nose, loss of taste or smell.


  • YOU HAVE BEEN IN CONTACT WITH SOMEONE WITH COVID, or have travelled to Melbourne, or been in contact with anyone from Melbourne in the last 14 days.


The warnings from the Health Department are still insisting that singing groups are at risk due to the high level of droplets and aerosols expelled during singing (droplets fall and aerosols float however droplets could land on you and could be transferred unknowingly into your mouth whereas the aerosol is more likely to get into your mouth through the air you breathe).  If you wish to wear a mask during the session then that will be encouraged.  We probably all should however, as we have had only one case of the virus in our area and NSW seems to be doing really well all round, I feel the risk is very low that any of us will catch the virus as long as we maintain some common sense and maintain good hygiene such as:


  • refrain from moving around unnecessarily, and from touching other people or their belongs.

  • use proper hygiene practices: If you do accidentally cough or sneeze, use your elbow or a tissue, and wash or sanitise your hands afterwards.


So, if you would like to get back together for a cautious session then please respond to this email and let me know.  If you don’t want to join me then please, let me know why so that I can gauge how people are feeling. 


I will not be handing out any music due to the risks so if you think you are missing any music please let me know and I can email you a copy.  You should have a list of our songs somewhere – please don’t make me type it up again.  😊  Also, as it is safer to have the house open to let fresh air circulate, please wear warm clothing.  No gloves though, that would just be silly.

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