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Vanessa Nugent is a trained ukulele teacher with internationally recognised qualifications.  She has studied for three years under the tutelage of Canadian ukulele maestro James Hill, completing a teachers Certification Program (JHUI). 


She has also participated in workshops with pre-eminent Hawaiian ukulele teachers Kimo Hussey and Aldrine Guerrero as well as Classical Ukulele maestro Samantha Muir from the UK.  She is currently the Secretary of AUTLA – (Australia Ukulele Teachers and Leaders Association) and has attended and presented workshops at a number of AUTLA Professional Development Days. 


She has performed on a number of occasions at the Hawaiian Ukulele Festival as part of the group Ukestralia and was a member of The Outlaws Big Ukulele Band which performed at Ukulele Festivals throughout eastern Australia before it disbanded. 


Vanessa is the founder and leader of The Hungry Head Ukulele Group (currently known as the THUG's - Thursday Uke Group) that has been running for eight years and she is the founder and administrator of Ukulele Australia on Facebook.    And just for fun, she is also a radio announcer at 2 Triple B FM in Bellingen, NSW.

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